Rocky Mountain High


Hiking, Resting, Reflecting, Rejuvenating and Life Changing

Colorado Women’s Retreat with Karen Ely 

June . TBA


He walks in quiet solitude the forest and the streams
seeking grace in every step he takes.  His sight
has turned inside himself to try and understand
the serenity of a clear blue mountain lake.
~ John Denver


Join facilitator, Karen Ely, for a unique opportunity to walk in quiet solitude in the forest and the streams” in the company of like-minded-women in one of the most serene and spectacular areas of the country.

Our large three-bedroom retreat cabin sits on the banks of the Dolores River within a short drive of the spectacular 12,000 foot summit that drops down into the Telluride valley, with its beauty, quaint shops and yummy dining.

We’ll hike on beautiful trails, we’ll sit in meadows covered with wildflowers overlooking scenes so beautiful that you will come to understand the truth in John Denver’s lyrics, “seeking grace in every step she takes.”

We’ll awaken to clear blue skies and go to sleep under a canopy of stars with stunning views of the Milky Way.  We’ll sit in sacred circle getting clarity on what we value and how to incorporate that into every area of our life.  We’ll walk in silence, we’ll share and laugh, find ourselves rejuvenated in the most nature-filled way, and head home with a clearer understanding and a plan for living a life that we don’t need a vacation from.

Our mornings will be filled with quiet contemplation . . . time for group exercises, meditation, reading and just being.  Then we’ll pack a lunch, put on our backpacks and hike a beautiful trail and find a new adventure along the way.  On the last day, we’ll head into beautiful Telluride for shopping, hiking and a delightful dinner in one of their iconic restaurants.


The mountains are calling and I must go.
~ John Muir


We’ll connect in Durango, Colorado for the one-hour drive to our mountain cabin and return to Durango 4 days later with new hope and filled with the peace that is possible when you escape the busyness of “normal” life.

This unique retreat is limited to 4 women who love nature, hiking, new experiences and the quiet that is possible when you can see nothing but the “forests and the trees,” the streams and the Rocky Mountain highs.


Personal growth . Adventure .
Relaxation . Contemplation . Joy . Hiking .
New ideas . New ways of seeing . A plan forward .
Completely nature-filled and delightful!



Karen Ely is the founder of the Sedona Women’s Institute with a life-time commitment to supporting and uplifting women.  And a passion for hiking, particularly in the Colorado Rockies.  For information on Karen, please click here.


The retreat will be held in a beautiful log cabin located in southwest Colorado, between Delores and Telluride.  Its large deck sits nestled a few feet from the lush banks of the Delores River.  Its three bedrooms are beautifully furnished and its large great room includes a fully stocked kitchen.  Located at the base of the surrounding mountains, the sound of the river creates a healing, magical oasis—a quiet blending of beauty, serenity, majestic peaks and dappled sunlight.



  • $700 deposit, which is nonrefundable
  • $1195 final fee due no later than May 1, 2022.  (After May 1st no fees are refundable). 

The retreat fee includes:

~ Pick up and drop off at Durango, CO airport

~ Drive to and from the retreat cabin

~ 4 nights lodging in the retreat cabin

~ Facilitated retreat from pickup on June 24, 2022 and drop off on June 28, 2022.

~ Snacks and drinks

~ Delightful closing dinner in one of Telluride’s most iconic restaurants


Please note that we will be doing everything possible to secure your safety during your retreat experience.  Because of that, you will be required to share proof that you’ve had both of the Covid vaccines at least two weeks before joining the retreat.  And, if Covid is more prevalent in April, we will also require proof of a positive Covid test before leaving for the retreat.  Once you’ve registered (see below to register), please send a photo of your Vaccine Record Card to us at


TO REGISTER and pay your deposit of $700, please click here.

TO REGISTER and pay your entire fee of $1,895, please click here

For more information, please contact us at or 480-214-2811 


Please note: If you cannot afford the registration fee, please contact with a line of explanation in order to receive our discounted rate.

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Graphic Design by Indigo Disegno

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